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Today is my birthday.   I had a funny post all ready to go for you today.  One day I will post it, but not this day.

As I watch with a heavy heart the news from Oklahoma I am reflecting on how blessed I am.

My parents are still with us and are still in love with each other.  They have been married for 54 years, have seen all four of their grandchildren graduate high school, three of them graduate from college (Their youngest grandchild is a freshman at Texas A &M) and the first one get married last summer.  They will be celebrating with us at our daughter’s wedding June 1.

I was fortunate enough to find the love of my life my freshman year of college.  We have been married for almost 32 years.  I could not imagine my life without him.

I have two great kids.  They have enlarged our family circle by both finding someone to love and to be loved by.  I am so fortunate to have them in our lives!  I do not tell them often enough how much I love them.

I have a large, rowdy, extended family that I love.  Most of them came as a package deal when I married my husband. They (we) fight, argue and yell, they may even throw you in the lake, but when the chips are down they will circle the wagons like nothing I have ever seen.  I thank God for them daily.

I have a job that feeds me physically, emotionally, mentally, and personally.  I am one of the fortunate ones.  I am one who is lucky enough to have found a job that I love and am passionate about.  What can be better than educating students and changing their lives?

I am blessed with material resources.  I may not know where I will be living July 1 but it is not because I don’t have a home.  It is because I have so many options available to me.

There is a scripture that I have read daily for the past three months.  At this moment in my life it speaks to me. As hectic as my life is from time to time I need to know that I am loved by a God that takes the time to stop what he is doing, and bend down to listen to me.Psalm 116:1-2 I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. 2 Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!

I hope that everyone takes a moment today to reflect and count their blessings.

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