Site icon The Weekend Country Girl

The End


For five years I have written this little minnow of a blog about my husband and my adventures living a double life.  We were week-day professionals living in a city, then suburb and weekend country folk.  

Since 2013 we have both changed jobs,  sold our city home, purchased a suburban home about an hour from our city home, sold our weekend home, purchased a home in the country with acreage, sold our suburban home, and moved full time to the country where we commute in to the burbs to work.

It has been a wild ride, and frankly I am exhausted.

Some awesome things have happened to us along this blogging journey.  Both of our children have married, and are doing well, we added a rescue dog to our family, I changed jobs again, our son and daughter in law lived abroad for a year, my daughter has a new job in the city where she works, and recently we welcomed our very first grand child- sweet little Lucy has joined the family and has totally stolen our hearts.

I do not think I was emotionally prepared for the toll that starting over-twice in two years would take on me.  If you told me I would have to pack up all of our belongings again I am sure I would need medication.  And counseling. 

Living in the country is a blessing and we both know how lucky we are to be there, but it has been a rough transition for me.  The 1 1/2 hours spent in the car daily means that there is less time at home during the week for the day-to-day things like cleaning, laundry, and yard work.  Everything takes longer out in the country and is frankly a little harder to do.  Last night I went to get my hair cut.  It involved opening a cattle gate with a code on the way in and out. ( I did get a great haircut though.)

Right now at this time in my life, I need to step away from blogging.  I am burned out.

I need to focus on settling in, taking care of my relationships, taking time to adjust to the new normal.

  We need to find a church we love, spend time with our family and make Coldspring our home.  We also need to figure out our internet, find doctors, get all of our mailing addresses changed, and get a routine going.

I will be retiring in about two years, and hopefully at that time I can begin to blog again.  

It has been my pleasure to get to know so many of you.

Thank you for following along on our journey.



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